Why Getting a Massage is Worth the Money
we're no fools. we know the economy is not exactly prime. so here is a list of just a few reasons to justify spending the dough on your very own massage as opposed to, say, a few beers.
Stress Relief, Anxiety, Depression, Arthritis, Back Pain, Circulatory problems, Digestive disorders, Fibromyalgia, Headache Relief, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Musculo-Skeletal Disorders, Pain Relief, Sleep Disorders, Sports injuries, Tendonitis, Whiplash, Because it Feels Good, Insomnia, Boost Immunity, Decrease Blood Pressure, Relax Muscles, Enhance Athletic Performance, Promotes Deeper Easier Breathing, Improves Posture, Post Operative Rehab, Increase Endorphins, Improve Range of Motion, Decrease Cortisol, Stimulate Inactive Muscles, Relieve Muscle Stiffness, Alleviates Discomfort During Pregnancy, Improves Movement of Lymph Fluids, Peace of Mind
Too Much Tequila
includes 60 minutes of swedish massage and aromatherapy, plus post treatment teabags for those bloodshot eyes and saltine crackers to settle the tummy. fast food run is an extra charge.